Sri Lanka - Arugam Bay

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As we could only have an Indonesian visa for 2 months and so decided to do a month long trip to Sri Lanka for our visa run. We arrived into Negombo on the west coast and took a 8 hour taxi over to the east coast to Arugam Bay, which is the best spot for surfing for this time of year.

I got some great little waves for me, Nick was a bit disappointed with the size and quality of the waves. It was also very crowded, so I was getting up around 5am to try get a few waves to myself. It was also challenging as there is no real ettiquette for surf here, as well as a lot of learners. Lots of drop ins, people dropping boards and running each other over.

Arugam Bay is right next to a couple of Sri Lanka's biggest national parks, home to elepants, monkeys, crocodiles, leopards, water buffolo and lots of fantastic birds. We did several safari trips while we were here and were regularly seeing elephants on the side of the road eating the harvested rice paddies. There was also palm squirrels and lizards everywhere so I couldn't help but take photos of them.

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Alt text Our favourite breakfast spot

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Alt text Our Tuk Tuk driver fishing while we surf

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Alt text Palm Squirrel

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Alt text Shaving fresh coconut at a local cooking lesson with Mona

Alt text Fresh coconut sambal

Alt text Pumpkin curry, eggplant curry and coconut sambal, this was "kids" spice level

Alt text Warthog

Alt text Water Buffalo

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Alt text Malabar pied hornbill

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Alt text Leopard

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Alt text Sri Lanka's national animal, the jungle chicken. A surprising pick when they have elephants and leopards to choose from!

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Alt text Giant squirrel

Alt text Candy stand at a local Hindu festival, as part of this people walk for weeks to get there and then some walk through the national park! Camping near dangerous wild animals.

Alt text Temple in the rock

Alt text Crocodile

Alt text People fishing next to the crocodile...

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Alt text Gayan taking fallen bird nests, he can sell these as lamp shades.

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