Indonesia - Bali

After Sri Lanka we returned to Bali, initially we had planned to go to a more remote area. However we weren't feeling very well so thought we would stay in Bali with closer access to western medicine. We caught up with Jordy, Aaron and little Luca in Lembogan. We had a great time playing mini golf, touring the island and a bit of snorkelling! I managed to get a dive in as well but was a little disappointed, the reef wasn't very lively and there were a lot of boats and other divers around.

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Next we went to Sanur for a few days, this was an interesting area with very pushy sales ladies. I managed to get very ripped off when buying a dress, she said $5 initially and then $15 when I was buying it but I was too embarassed to say anything and Nick just laughed at me! Wearing this dress then made me a target as this dress was very common in the local stalls. We found this very interesting abandoned theme park Bali Festival Park, Padang Gala It was millions to set up and then when the government ran out of money it was shut down and abanoned. Apparently they even had left the crocodiles they had on display there, we didn't see any though! It had been used for a motor cross and graffeti festival so there was fresh art everywhere! We also saw this band recording a music video there, it was a really interesting and spooky place.

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Then we went to Canggu to hang out with Jordy and Aaron again. Me and Jordy got a couple of surfs in, Nick was a great babysitter on the balcony watching the surf. We also checked out a local temple and were blessed!

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Then we went to Ubud and did a jewellery making course, and checked out a pool club up in the rice paddys. We had a great view of influencers in the paddies and the selection of swings above the paddies!

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We had heard about a bat temple, so I was so excited to go and take photos, there were thousands of bats. They were so noisy and busy, Nick managed to drag me away after a couple of hours.

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We found another abandoned building that was never finished! This was massive and right on the ocean, it would have been such an amazing place!

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Nick heading out for a surf across a reef, this spot was Binging, this was one of his go tos!

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A little frog that found Nick's surfboard comfy, Nick wasn't allowed to go surfing until we had gotten a good picture!

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